First New Life Missionary Baptist Church originated in Maricopa, Arizona in 1951. In organizing the church, Reverend Murray, Reverend Watt Jones, Reverend Holden, and Reverend Eastman asked for the assistance of a Euro-American minister, Reverend Snowdon who had already established a church. And so, First New Life started at a cotton-picking camp. During this era, a cluster of families would move near a cotton field and live in a one- or two-bedroom cabin during harvest time. When the crop was gathered, they relocated to another area. The church’s membership primarily consisted of two large families; Deacon Arch Anthony and Reverend Tommy Dew and his wife, their children, and grandchildren.
Although records do not clearly indicate who the pastor was from 1951–1960 senior members believe that Reverend Watt Jones may have been the pastor. It was clear, however, that Deacon and Sister Anthony played a major part in the maintaining of the ministry. It was not uncommon during this time for visiting preachers to bring the messages, but the regular operations were the responsibility of the deacons.

I Give You Pastors After My Own Heart Saith the Lord...
I Know the Plans I Have for You Saith the Lord…
Faithful Over a Few Things…
I Will Make You Rulers Over Many...
The church moved to a larger facility at 1504 West Corona. Although the new edifice was sufficient, Pastor Barnwell observed another location that he sensed God wanted First New Life to have. The community surrounding that location was changing and the current congregation was not adapting well to its new environment. Pastor Barnwell was approached by American Baptist Churches about First New Life taking the facility and in 1982 the church moved to our current address of 1902 W. Roeser Road. It was here that First New Life was introduced to the Evangelism Movement, the membership increased, and our ministries further expanded. Through experiential truth and biblical knowledge Pastor Barnwell aligned with the Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship. It was through that alignment that FNL realized a revival that changed the worship style and opened new doors of opportunity for the gifts of the spirit to be further manifested. Pastor Barnwell was consecrated as State Overseer for Arizona and subsequently elevated to Bishop Henry L. Barnwell, on November 12, 1999. Bishop Barnwell heard the voice of God saying that he needed to prepare a “Joshua”, someone who was able to carry out the revelation that God has for First New Life. During Bishop Barnwell’s pastorate over 73 ministers were activated 15 of which have gone on to become pastors. Bishop, looking among all the qualified individuals surrounding him began inquiring of the Lord to whom he should prepare. God led Bishop Barnwell to his biological son Pastor of Christian Education at Christ Unity Evangelistic Church in Chicago, IL, Aubrey Leroy Barnwell.
Pastor Aubrey Barnwell and Lady Linda sought God’s and God gave them an answer. God directed them to Phoenix. In 2003 Pastor Aubrey, Lady Linda, and Aaron Michael moved to Phoenix. By the leading of the Lord and under the direction of Bishop Henry Barnwell, Pastor Aubrey was installed as Co-Pastor of First New Life on May 18, 2004. After a year of training the mantle of leadership was passed. On May 28, 2005, Barnwell celebrated his transition to Pastor Emeritus; Pastor Aubrey became Senior Pastor of the First New Life Missionary Baptist Church.
I Give You Pastors After My Own Heart Saith the Lord……….
Under the pastorate of Rev Otis Holden Sr. with a total membership of 27 members, the church moved to somewhere in South Phoenix on May 14, 1960. Under the pastorate of Reverend J.T. Eastman the church relocated to 29th Street and Atlanta. By September 1962 Reverend Floyd Topps became pastor and the church again moved to 2417 South 17th Street on February 3, 1963. This new facility was a converted two-bedroom house with a large roof support beam in the middle. With an outhouse for a restroom and a dirt road as a parking lot God added to the church the Ware, Golden, Sledge, and Lee families. Because of the challenges facing the small congregation, it was suggested that First New Life merge with South Phoenix Baptist Church. There were those who believed that God had not completed His work with First New Life and remained while others pursued what they believed God was saying to them. In June of 1963, Reverend Luther Granderson, who would regularly travel between Phoenix and Fresno, California was elected as the new pastor. Eventually, Reverend Granderson decided to make Fresno his place of residence and relinquished the pastorate leaving the church without an under-shepherd.
I Know the Plans I Have for You Saith the Lord……..
God had prepared the heart of Henry L. Barnwell who was an enlisted man in the United States Air force who in 1956 had been stationed at Williams Air force Base in Chandler, AZ. Reverend Henry L. Barnwell was reassigned to the Okinawa but his desire was always to return to Phoenix, AZ where he heard the call to ministry and to work alongside his spiritual father in the ministry. God had given Reverend Barnwell a wife and blessed him with children and reassigned him to Luke Air force Base in Glendale, AZ in 1965. God called and First New Life accepted Reverend Henry Lee Barnwell as pastor and on May 28, 1967 Reverend H.Y. Stevenson installed him.
With a call and revelation to “Go and teach all nations” to observe what God has commanded and a promise that God would be with him even unto the end of the earth, Pastor Barnwell began the work. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study held on Wednesday nights was the foundation for the ministry. The church began to grow. The four-room house next to the church was purchased and was used for classrooms, Children’s Church and fellowship gatherings.
The church moved to a larger facility at 1504 West Corona. Although the new edifice was sufficient, Pastor Barnwell observed another location that he sensed God wanted First New Life to have. The community surrounding that location was changing and the current congregation was not adapting well to its new environment. Pastor Barnwell was approached by American Baptist Churches about First New Life taking the facility and in 1982 the church moved to our current address of 1902 W. Roeser Road. It was here that First New Life was introduced to the Evangelism Movement, the membership increased, and our ministries further expanded. Through experiential truth and biblical knowledge Pastor Barnwell aligned with the Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship. It was through that alignment that FNL realized a revival that changed the worship style and opened new doors of opportunity for the gifts of the spirit to be further manifested. Pastor Barnwell was consecrated as State Overseer for Arizona and subsequently elevated to Bishop Henry L. Barnwell, on November 12, 1999. Bishop Barnwell heard the voice of God saying that he needed to prepare a “Joshua”, someone who was able to carry out the revelation that God has for First New Life. During Bishop Barnwell’s pastorate over 73 ministers were activated 15 of which have gone on to become pastors. Bishop, looking among all the qualified individuals surrounding him began inquiring of the Lord to whom he should prepare. God led Bishop Barnwell to his biological son Pastor of Christian Education at Christ Unity Evangelistic Church in Chicago, IL, Aubrey Leroy Barnwell.
Pastor Aubrey Barnwell and Lady Linda sought God’s and God gave them an answer. God directed them to Phoenix. In 2003 Pastor Aubrey, Lady Linda, and Aaron Michael moved to Phoenix. By the leading of the Lord and under the direction of Bishop Henry Barnwell, Pastor Aubrey was installed as Co-Pastor of First New Life on May 18, 2004. After a year of training the mantle of leadership was passed. On May 28, 2005, Barnwell celebrated his transition to Pastor Emeritus; Pastor Aubrey became Senior Pastor of the First New Life Missionary Baptist Church.
- Community and Love: The values emphasize the importance of being together, loving one another, and celebrating fellowship.
- Prayer and Spirituality: The significance of prayer, trusting God, and the power of prayer is highlighted.
- Learning and Teaching: An atmosphere of learning, teaching, and equipping is valued, including studying and sharing God’s Word.
- Inclusiveness and Diversity: The church values being multi-generational, multi-ethnic, and multi-cultural, emphasizing inclusivity and embracing diversity.
- Compassion and Social Justice: The values reflect a commitment to compassion, community support, advocacy for justice, and having a positive impact on the lives of others.
- Stewardship: The importance of responsible stewardship is implied in the focus on worshiping God and sharing His Word.
A suitable combination of these core values from the provided options could be: Integrity, Inclusiveness, Compassion, Social Justice, Stewardship, Prayer, Love, Learning, Fellowship, and Community.
First New Life Church
- 6022764085
- [email protected]
- 1902 W. Roeser Road Phoenix, AZ. 85041
9:30 AM
- 6022764085
- [email protected]
- 1902 W. Roeser Road Phoenix, AZ. 85041